46) Wake up!

Getting up today wasn’t all that easy, and the wake up call 10 minutes before the bus was leaving for the Nong Nooch gardens was quite a shock to the system. Fortunately Evgeny and I still had time to grab some bread for breakfast, so that was a triumph of perfect timing for sleeping in.

The Nong Nooch gardens were alright, the highlight was the elephant show where there were elephants trained to play soccer, basketball, paint, dance, and ride a tricycle.

I know jumping photos are kind of clichéd, but they’re still cool! This is our guide for the week, Wan. She’s the one responsible for all our 6:30am wakeup calls, and as bad as that sounds, they’re really appreciated and stop us sleeping in, so please keep them up!

This entry was posted by RobertNewey.

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